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Someone Is Ticked Off Regarding The Branda Reproduction Shirts


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There is a Shelby enthusiast that is obviously ticked off at sellers offering Tony Branda reproduction Shelby shirts as the real deal. It looks like the latest one to be listed earlier this week on ebay sent him over the edge as he put up his own ebay auction for education purposes only using his original shirt for comparasion.


In some ways I have to agree with him as Tony Branda has not always been truthful with their reproductions. I've caught them selling reproduction Shelby Dodge clothing as originals and when I saw that ebay auction earlier this week I knew that shirt was not produced in the 60's.




Original Shelby Shirt Education Auction

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I saw that auction this morning as well. Did you read where he has a beef with Shelby as well. Seems he has some inventory of Shelby stuff he wants to unload.

I put him on my favorite sellers list in anticipation.


Yeah I'm not exactly sure what the beef is that he says he has with Shelby management. Same with the part of having many items that Shelby never paid for. It must be one of those 3 sides to a story thing.


Anyone else notice the Hot Wheels clothing?



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I saw that auction this morning as well. Did you read where he has a beef with Shelby as well. Seems he has some inventory of Shelby stuff he wants to unload.

I put him on my favorite sellers list in anticipation.



Yeah I'm not exactly sure what the beef is that he says he has with Shelby management. Same with the part of having many items that Shelby never paid for. It must be one of those 3 sides to a story thing.


Anyone else notice the Hot Wheels clothing?





He could just be saying that he has a Beef with CS and is now getting rid of all of his Shelby Stuff just to get yoy to think that "it must be the Real thing" if he has a beef with CS. But, then again, he could very well have a beef with CS and is now getting rid of the Stuff because of it..........


Many Years ago when Steve Saleen sponsored and MCA Show in Pensacola I thought it was Great, that I actually got to meet him, talk to him and he Autographed several Saleen items that I had. Then later that evening, after the MCA Dinner, Saleen showed his A$$ and that was it, I Ebayed everything I had that was Saleen when I got home and never really respected the Man sence then.

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"Real" shirt - $5000.

"Fake" shirt - $156.

Not giving a rats ass - priceless.






I think he just priced it at $5,000.00 so no one would Bid on it..........But I would like to see his face if someone does place a Bid...... :hysterical:

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I like Branda and he was one of the few places one could go years ago to buy Shelby stuff as there was a time that these cars were not worth anything. I bought my first GT500 for just over a grand as no one wanted them. Branda sold body parts and badging so you could restore the cars. It was the only place I knew of to buy the stuff. I bought a fair amount of stuff from them (but nothing in many, many years).


T-shirts? Branda kept the Shelby name alive during a time that it was all but given up for dead. If he can sell a few shirts, good for them. IMHO.

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No problem with that. The only problem is advertising them as NOS or Originals instead of reproductions.




I don't know...I have never heard of NOS t-shirts. Would I even believe that someone had boxes of almost 40 year old t-shirts? If they did, would they be worth more than one made today? The whole thing seems silly to me.

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