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It looks like the dream of alot of BIG GOVERMENT ( that can not hold back there BIG SPENDING) has been looking at taxing us for the miles we drive. They want to put a GPS unit in are cars,trucks,smart cars, more or less anything that has a motor in it and it moves.The only person it will hurt Is us. Whats going to happen when people do not drive enough to bring in the money that they want to bring in. Anyway check this out. It is from a good quality news source.



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It looks like the dream of alot of BIG GOVERMENT ( that can not hold back there BIG SPENDING) has been looking at taxing us for the miles we drive. They want to put a GPS unit in are cars,trucks,smart cars, more or less anything that has a motor in it and it moves.The only person it will hurt Is us. Whats going to happen when people do not drive enough to bring in the money that they want to bring in. Anyway check this out. It is from a good quality news source.




The idea STINKS in my opinion. We already pay to much in taxes - and I drive to many miles to pay by the mile.


Add to that the crap we have here in California now - with our new taxes (increased sales tax, increased state income tax, increased car license fees) - and nobody here will be getting a paycheck.

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How about "cut", "cut","cut", instead of "tax", "tax", "tax",!!!!!

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Well I'm screwed I have 74,000 miles on my Mustang already... :doh: or maybe this only pertains to fresh new miles either way I'm still screwed..... :hysterical: it is my daily driver..... :shift:




I wish everything would stop going up...... :rant: And what a bunch of crock on the increased driver's license fees... :rant: I read about that in the Governor's so called State budget plan, figures as mine renews this year after 6 years.... :rolleyes:

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I drive 80 miles a day round trip to and from work. I need to drive a 4X4 V-8 to get to work so I am already buying more gas than most. There is no public transportation up the canyon from Salt Lake City. :banghead: How would they address a situation like mine?


Maybe they want me to quit :happy feet: , sit home :tequila: and wait for my stimulus checks :headscratch:


These politicians need to get real :nonono:

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Colorado has been tossing this ridiculous idea around. Can you imagine the infrastructure that would be necessary to track every car's mileage? The expense would be astronomical. If you want to take driving, just tax gasoline like we've been doing for decades. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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Yeah, right...and Hillary is gonna take a second swing at Healthcare reform....


Total fear monger BS...now uping the gas tax...VERY possible...retro-fitting everything that moves will do 2 things. Suppress economy, and break the Govt. Good luck with that...


Next time a govt official goes to a Cheech and Chong show, he should keep his genius ideas to himself!


The idea is to get people to drive economically, not cut off transportation...

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Just saw on the local news web site:


"Gibbs: LaHood's Talk Of Mileage Tax Nixed...Idea Has Angered Drivers"


That did not go as well as they thought. Looks like we do have an impact on some of these ridiculous political ideas.



How did this guy ever get to be a politician? Are the voting people that blind?


(I know that he was appointed by Obama...but his political career started somewhere)

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The democrats are not planning this only to tax us on mileage. With mandatory GPS units in our cars, they will track our every move, know where we've driven at all times, digging deeper into our private lives, use it to send us speeding tickets, they might tax us or charge fees for driving to certain places like, for example, areas of the country that are more politically conservative.....

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Look on the bright side. It would put a lot of people to work finding out how to make not work . Drive 20,000 miles and still show you're parked . It would be done !!


REAL American ingenuity will rule!! :happy feet:

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Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie :spend: :spend::spend:

ur money, I, mean all ur money. :spend: :spend::spend:

Welcome to. 'The Change' :sos:

Where, in the past, you had some :tequila:

money left over after, Tax's. :spend: :spend::spend:

Now, all you'll have left, is 'Change' :cry:

like, some quarters, a few dime's, :runaway:

some nickel's, and allot of penny's. :drop:


Ya, happy now, Obama-ites ???

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Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie

ur money, I, mean all ur money.

Welcome to. 'The Change' :sos:

Where, in the past, you had some :tequila:

money left over after, Tax's.

Now, all you'll have left, is 'Change' :cry:

like, some quarters, a few dime's, :runaway:

some nickel's, and allot of penny's. :drop:


Ya, happy now, Obama-ites ???


Hey Genius~


LaHood is from YOUR team :busted::ohsnap:

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