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So you agree the "GOP" became too powerful and arrogant???????????????????


I am sure this is why most of them got booted.............


And I agree.............Hope the "Dems" learn from this....................



Yup, and tried to please the wrong people. Not the first time as thats how the Dems lost back in the 80's. I dont see the likes of Pelosi and Barny Rubble changing

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Yup, and tried to please the wrong people. Not the first time as thats how the Dems lost back in the 80's. I dont see the likes of Pelosi and Barny Rubble changing


I agree with MM;


Wish Ronald Reagon was still with us...............He was a Great President, IMHO.............

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Albert spells his name Einstein; not Einstien. Perhaps you should get your IQ measured before attacking other member's intelligence, genius. If yours is greater than 140, then you can rightfully claim superiority to mine.



Thanks for taking the bait... your absolutely right, Einstein he is not.


And obviously neither are you... no need to measure my IQ...


I just proved it... LMAO ROTF!!!


R/ FUFA Posse

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Don't engage in a battle for which you are ill-equipped to fight. He's the one attacking another's intellect; I responded, so deal with it.


P.S. The most common complaint of MENSA members is that if they don't dumb it down they get accused of having an ego. It's called insecurity on your part.



Hey, are you that guy in the commercial where the motocycle cop opens the door and all the beer spills out?


BTW... If you must know, I've taken the MENSA test... mine is 167... WHO CARES!!!


Hit me back when you can articulate the relationship between chaos and fractals... quarks, quantum mechanics and the "Uncertainty Principle"...


Until then... code 10 out!!!

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Don't engage in a battle for which you are ill-equipped to fight. He's the one attacking another's intellect; I responded, so deal with it.


P.S. The most common complaint of MENSA members is that if they don't dumb it down they get accused of having an ego. It's called insecurity on your part.


Actually, you mean to say "the most common complaint AMONG MENSA members is that...."


I wouldn't start a contest regarding IQ.


One more thing: from my experience, the people I know with stellar IQ's scoff at MENSA. What a waste of time, and a display of ego. Talk about elitist...

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Don't engage in a battle for which you are ill-equipped to fight. He's the one attacking another's intellect; I responded, so deal with it.


P.S. The most common complaint of MENSA members is that if they don't dumb it down they get accused of having an ego. It's called insecurity on your part.

I am not trying to deal with it, just do not want you have an aneurysm with an attempt to belittle the next man it does not make you an intellect.

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I am not trying to deal with it, just do not want you have an aneurysm with an attempt to belittle the next man it does not make you an intellect.


So, you think it's ok for someone to come on a thread and insult everyone who disagrees with him, and then when someone stands up to the abuse it's the victim that is belittling? Where you dropped on your head as a baby?

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Hey, are you that guy in the commercial where the motocycle cop opens the door and all the beer spills out?


BTW... If you must know, I've taken the MENSA test... mine is 167... WHO CARES!!!


Hit me back when you can articulate the relationship between chaos and fractals... quarks, quantum mechanics and the "Uncertainty Principle"...


Until then... code 10 out!!!


Sniff, sniff! I smell bull crap! :hysterical:

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Actually, you mean to say "the most common complaint AMONG MENSA members is that...."


I wouldn't start a contest regarding IQ.


One more thing: from my experience, the people I know with stellar IQ's scoff at MENSA. What a waste of time, and a display of ego. Talk about elitist...


No, I meant what I said. So you are of the mindset that it's ok to come on a forum and start insulting the members who don't agree with you too? Nice! From your other posts I expected better of you.

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No, I meant what I said. So you are of the mindset that it's ok to come on a forum and start insulting the members who don't agree with you too? Nice! From your other posts I expected better of you.





I have to be honest here... I didn't even read all of the posts leading up to your MENSA reference. I agree- it is certainly NOT acceptable to come onto a forum and insult the members (though that very thing is done ad nauseum on all of the political threads).


I do think it is in poor taste (even a bit suspect) to imply that you are MENSA or MENSA-qualified, when the person you are engaging is a complete stranger who may, in fact, have a higher IQ than you. As others have said, what an unproductive, pathetic pissing match that can turn into...

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I do think it is in poor taste (even a bit suspect) to imply that you are MENSA or MENSA-qualified, when the person you are engaging is a complete stranger who may, in fact, have a higher IQ than you. As others have said, what an unproductive, pathetic pissing match that can turn into...


Yes, it is easy to come on a forum and claim anything one wants to, (including referencing a number greater than what another's already stated), after one has already shown their intellectual deficiency by insulting people whom they do not know. I'm just amazed at how some people conduct themselves from the safety of a keyboard somewhere else in the world.

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Hey, are you that guy in the commercial where the motocycle cop opens the door and all the beer spills out?


BTW... If you must know, I've taken the MENSA test... mine is 167... WHO CARES!!!


Hit me back when you can articulate the relationship between chaos and fractals... quarks, quantum mechanics and the "Uncertainty Principle"...


Until then... code 10 out!!!


Humm, are you on this list?




The Highest IQs On Record

People Still Alive

Physicist / Engineer Kim Ung-yong has a verified IQ of 210

Bouncer Christopher Michael Langan has a verified IQ of 195

Engineer Philip Emeagwali is alleged to have an IQ of 190

World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov is alleged to have an IQ of 190

Author Marilyn Vos Savant has a verified IQ of 186

Actor James Woods is alleged to have an IQ of 180

Politician John H. Sununu is alleged to have an IQ of 180

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is alleged to have an IQ of 180

Mathematician Andrew Wiles is alleged to have an IQ of 170

World Chess Champion Judith Polgar is alleged to have an IQ of 170

Chess Grandmaster Robert Byrne is alleged to have an IQ of 170

World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer is alleged to have an IQ of 167

Mathematician / Physicist Stephen W. Hawking is alleged to have an IQ of over 160

Microsoft Founder Paul Allen is alleged to have an IQ of over 160

Actress Sharon Stone is alleged to have an IQ of 154


I smell a lie!

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Humm, are you on this list?




The Highest IQs On Record

People Still Alive

Physicist / Engineer Kim Ung-yong has a verified IQ of 210

Bouncer Christopher Michael Langan has a verified IQ of 195

Engineer Philip Emeagwali is alleged to have an IQ of 190

World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov is alleged to have an IQ of 190

Author Marilyn Vos Savant has a verified IQ of 186

Actor James Woods is alleged to have an IQ of 180

Politician John H. Sununu is alleged to have an IQ of 180

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is alleged to have an IQ of 180

Mathematician Andrew Wiles is alleged to have an IQ of 170

World Chess Champion Judith Polgar is alleged to have an IQ of 170

Chess Grandmaster Robert Byrne is alleged to have an IQ of 170

World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer is alleged to have an IQ of 167

Mathematician / Physicist Stephen W. Hawking is alleged to have an IQ of over 160

Microsoft Founder Paul Allen is alleged to have an IQ of over 160

Actress Sharon Stone is alleged to have an IQ of 154


I smell a lie!



My IQ is 450......I'm Canadian It's in metric. :hysterical:

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