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Asking for prayers for my daughter


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I got to see my youngest daughter, Stacy, this past weekend after the Texas Round Up Drive, and she told me that she has to go to the doctor for a thyroid problem...I just got a call from her mom a little while ago and it has me kind of worried. Her mom is a medical transcriptionist and read the report results from her ultra sound and said that there are "suspicious" lumps in her thyroid on both sides. Stacy is scheduled for a biopsy on Thursday, and it'll probably be a week to 10 days before we know the results of the biopsy. She's only 17 years old and has such a full life to live...there is a history of cancer on her mother's side, mom had a mastectomy several years ago after being diagnosed with breast cancer, and an aunt died at a young age from the same thing...


Needless to say, I'm concerned...Just asking for those of you who pray to keep her in your prayers for me. OK?


Here is a picture of Stacy...Thanks in advance,


Carl Ervin




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I got to see my youngest daughter, Stacy, this past weekend after the Texas Round Up Drive, and she told me that she has to go to the doctor for a thyroid problem...I just got a call from her mom a little while ago and it has me kind of worried. Her mom is a medical transcriptionist and read the report results from her ultra sound and said that there are "suspicious" lumps in her thyroid on both sides. Stacy is scheduled for a biopsy on Thursday, and it'll probably be a week to 10 days before we know the results of the biopsy. She's only 17 years old and has such a full life to live...there is a history of cancer on her mother's side, mom had a mastectomy several years ago after being diagnosed with breast cancer, and an aunt died at a young age from the same thing...


Needless to say, I'm concerned...Just asking for those of you who pray to keep her in your prayers for me. OK?


Here is a picture of Stacy...Thanks in advance,


Carl Ervin





I will pray for your daughter.


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I will keep her in my prayers. I can relate to a similar situation just this past week with a familiy member of mine. We are still waiting for the pathology test.


Keep faith in God, remember that everything is in his hands. He has everything in his control.


We are all mearly passing through this world for a short period.


John 3:16



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Count me in Carl, I'm on the case!

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My oldest daughter had a similar scare when she was 16. My wife's family also has a history of cancers. Medical science had a hand in helping my daughter but I know prayers and a higher power made the real difference. It may not seem fair but I feel all things happen for a reason, even if we can't undersatnd why.


By the way, I got to dance with my daughter at her wedding last March in Vegas. She'll kill me saying this but she will turn 26 this Christmas. Hang on to your faith and all will work out.


God Bless your family..............

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Thank you for sharing with your Shelby family that awful feeling you have in the pit of your stomach right now. The photo is of a child of truth and beauty, still on the sun up side of life. Reading the posts before mine, I can see in my mind's eye a prayer circle, a real one, into which we have called your daughter. We ask her to bow her head and each of us places a hand on her shoulder and each of us, in turn, asks the Lord to heal her and return her to you healthy and ready to take on all that life has to share with her.


I feel for you. You have dedicated your entire life to keeping Stacy as free from harm as you could while still allowing her to grow up. You would, literally, give your life to save hers and do so willingly. You do not strike me as a person who sits on the sidelines of life and waits for things to happen to you (you own a Shelby for goodness sake). Nope. You go out and MAKE things happen. But, for now, you have to wait, and pray, and hope that your little girl will be okay. Please keep us in the loop to the extent you are comfortable doing so. Peace.



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I got to see my youngest daughter, Stacy, this past weekend after the Texas Round Up Drive, and she told me that she has to go to the doctor for a thyroid problem...I just got a call from her mom a little while ago and it has me kind of worried. Her mom is a medical transcriptionist and read the report results from her ultra sound and said that there are "suspicious" lumps in her thyroid on both sides. Stacy is scheduled for a biopsy on Thursday, and it'll probably be a week to 10 days before we know the results of the biopsy. She's only 17 years old and has such a full life to live...there is a history of cancer on her mother's side, mom had a mastectomy several years ago after being diagnosed with breast cancer, and an aunt died at a young age from the same thing...


Needless to say, I'm concerned...Just asking for those of you who pray to keep her in your prayers for me. OK?


Here is a picture of Stacy...Thanks in advance,


Carl Ervin



If it's any consolation, my sister had thyroid cancer and had it removed. Not a great operation, but all went well and she has been cancer free ever sicne... so have high hope that even bad news can be ok! Good luck...

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