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So who won....


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We liked #5;#1 was good but for us the other appealed.I agree they all were

pretty mild,Thankful for the chili,I was about to starve when we got there.

Doc Scott



LOL!!!! Yeah, my wife was pretty irritated that I never wanted to stop along the way to pick up something to eat, I just didn't want to lose the leg that I was running with....

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Pbfthh ! ! #2 was SO much better.


Everyone who was there, please drop a note to the Fort Davis Chamber of Commerce thanking them for their hospitality and providing a location for lunch.

There were even two photo cakes for dessert.


From what I heard, Bullrun, SAI, and the Chamber of Commerce all worked together on that and they did a great job.

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so does anyone know who won the chili contest.....I voted for #1....they were all great but #1 was not overcooked like the other ones...funny thing is that none of them were spicy enough for my taste...




Hey Scott

This is John didn't know you guy's were going !Was it a blast!!!!! sure would have liked to go but work wouldn't let me off.Get hold of me .

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We voted 2 & 5.

5 was good, they added some cayenne chili to #2 and that brought it alive.

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