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i just installed lower grill


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couldnt find other lower grill threads, but....here's a pic i took this evening

i used 7/32 x 3/4 stainless machine screws. on each screw i used 2 washers, lock washer, and a nut. all stainless, so no rust should occur.

the grill had two predrilled holes on opposit corners of the brackets. i had to enlarge them a little because the screws i selected were slightly bigger than the holes. i drilled the 2 remaining holes after mounting the grill with 2 screws. i had to line up the grill the best i could and did some minor measuring to drill the first hole through the fascia. after that it was cake. i was concerned that the plastic inserts wouldnt pop in place to cover the screw heads, but they were small enough not to effect the insterts' fit.

anyway i dont want to get technical. just want to show a pic...i got the grill mounted centered as humanly possible. :wacko: i may describe the instalation i did later....hmm they'll probably move this to the tech forum...



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You did a good job...it looks good.



When did you order your lower grille? I ordered mine last week and they told me that they were on a 6 week back order.

i think i ordered it 2 weeks before Memorial day and just got it monday or tuesday

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you lucky; I ordered mine last week; and got the same repsonse at least 1 1/2 to 2 months waiting....Looks really cool; can't wait to get my order. :shift:


Wow, I guess I got lucky. I got mine within a few days of ordering it. You'd think they'd have a stock of these. With SGTs sitting in dealers' lots there must not be enough demand.

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