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Disconnecting battery

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I intend to leave my '08 for extended periods while travelling, I usually disconnect my vehicles' batteries when doing so. Will this create a problem for my SGT, presumably resetting the tune? How about after the KB install?

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It won't reset the tune but will reset the sensor caibration 'learning' -- will just take some mixed driving and a couple re-start cycles to re-learn it again -- no biggie since it will use the zero-masked settings in the tune in the meantime.



Just a suggestion: why not use a high-quality 'smart' trickle charger while away ...better for your battery too and you won't lose personalization settings (radio stations, clock, preferences, etc).


If you search on battery charger there's a discussion thread. The one Grabber has seems like very nice quality and has the right features imo ...i.e. designed for maintaining batteries (not necessarily chargine dead ones) and intelligently throttles back charging rate based on real-time sensing circuit so it can be left attached indefinately without overcharging or boiling-off the electrolyte.



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Battery Tender FTW :)





That's the way to go!!

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