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Rattle under the hood on hard acceleration


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I've noticed what actually sounds like detonation pinging in the engine when I'm under hard acceleration...I've never owned a vehicle that has roller rockers, so I'm wondering if this could actually be what I'm hearing? Of course, I'm actually hearing impaired after 30 years of shooting guns in law enforcement...so it's really hard for me to pin it down..I don't hear it when I'm sitting still, only when I'm driving...I know I get more sound from the Ford Racing Air cleaner setup, but this kinda concerns me...I'm running 91 or 93 Octaine fuel, so I'm sure it isn't actually detonation...


Anyone hear anything like what I'm describing when you romp on your ride???

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What mods do you have on your car? Has it been tuned?

i know when i had my harley sportster i could hear my valve springs pinging when i put the spurs to it hard. i havent stomped the throttle hard enough on the SGT yet. being in town i might attract too much attention. :hysterical2: i'll have to get out of town when i have a chance. i havent beein over 4500 RPMs yet.

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i know when i had my harley sportster i could hear my valve springs pinging when i put the spurs to it hard. i havent stomped the throttle hard enough on the SGT yet. being in town i might attract too much attention. :hysterical2: i'll have to get out of town when i have a chance. i havent beein over 4500 RPMs yet.

I'm liking your neighborhood!I see two new Mustangs across the street from you,Nice!

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