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GT still in the shop


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I haven't been doing a lot of driving on my GT. I bought it a few weeks ago with 9,000 miles on. Got a really good deal. After I took delivery, I had a 2nd gear grinding issue, a tempermental oil pressure gage and no climate control heat. So I put my list together and took it to my friendly Ford dealer.


The shift cable has been replaced, still an issue, new transaxle on its way :waiting:


Checked gage, Ford says replace the oil pump :waiting:


Changed the ac control heat, heat now works. :happy feet:


Not a whimper out of Ford, the dealership has been gracious and I am completely happy so far. It is warranty work. :happy feet:


Good thing I have I my GT500, so I still get my fix.


I read so many stories of people who are unhappy with their dealership or Ford. This is a good story that also needs to be heard.

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Does yours have the transaxle cooler?


Glad to hear that they are taking care of you.


No, no transmission cooler. From what I have read, they are a must if you plan on excercising the car much. Apparently they will puke a little fluid under certain spirited conditions.


Yeah, they have been great. I was expecting some balking at a $14,000 trans-axle, but again, with over 30 new Fords over the years, I have never had Ford or this dealership give me hard time.


Thanks Ford.

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Note to self: find a good reason to get lost in the southwest sometime and pretend car is broken ...then :idea: tell wifey the only place that can help us is the infamous "No Snivelling" garage just outside Phoenix :bandance: :) :happy feet: Have car towed there. See F-GT while car is being 'repaired.' :spiteful::)

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