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Dyno testing information

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Ok, I'm trying to set up a dyno shop to do my chassis dyno runs. I called one today and talked with him. Here is what he said.


1) They have a Dynojet inertia-type chassis dyno that's about 9 years old

2) Their dyno does have a "weather station" in it that corrects for atmospheric conditions

3) They offer two pulls for $100, with an additional $40 charge for A/F ratio info (I was asking not just about a Mustang GT500, but also in case I wanted to dyno test my Camaro)

4) They do ring/pinion changes also. They charge $325 labor, and the parts would vary based on which gear ratio I select...about $190 for a 3.73 and $250 for a 4.10. Then add about $20 for friction modifier and axle lube.

5) He mentioned that his experience has been that typically going to a numerically higher rear gear ratio REDUCES RWHP slightly. Not sure why...perhaps higher parasitic losses?

6) He has not yet tested a GT500, but they have a racing team and have been racing Mustangs for over 20 years in the Cincinnati area

7) When I asked about recalibration of the speedo, he said I should buy a Diablo or SCT tuner. He gave a slight preference to the SCT...saying it was slightly "faster" in data transmission. I mentioned that I didn't think they yet had a tuner for the GT500, he said "I'm sure they will soon, keep checking".


Now, since I know very little about all of this, I would like your feedback on things like....

1) Does he seem to know what he's talking about?

2) Is a Dynojet a good dyno to test on?

3) Are his prices reasonable?

4) Any other input?


I live equidistant (that's a big word I just used to impress RUF) from Cincinnati, Louisville, and Indianapolis, so if you know of any good tuners in those cities, please recommend them.




Dave :shift:

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I live equidistant (that's a big word I just used to impress RUF) from Cincinnati, Louisville, and Indianapolis, so if you know of any good tuners in those cities, please recommend them.


Sorry, off topic...


Dave, you wouldn't happen to be near Batesville would you?

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In the Dallas area you "generally" get 3 dyno pulls with AFR for $50-$80 depending on where you go.


You'll want some kind of tuner (SCT, etc) for gear changes or tire size changes. You can usually fine tune spark and afr with those things too. Not enough to hurt anything but enough to make a diff. It's just easier if you learn to do it yourself (vs paying a shop everytime) and it's not very difficult if you have any kind of general computer user knowledge.


I would always get AFR on your dyno pulls. Never hurts to verify it. I'm sure from the factory it's pretty safe but when you have a chance, verify it. ...and dyno pulls should be done in the 1:1 gear - 4th gear on the GT500.


Oh, the faster data transmission he's talking about only refers to the amount of time it takes to upload/change a tune on your car. The SCT in itself doesn't provide any performance boost vs. a Diablo tuner. That's completely up to what's actually inside the tune. In other words, you could have a great or a crappy tune on both a Diablo and an SCT product. Depends on the skill of the tuner.

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Batesville is about an hour from me.


Ok, sorry. Live in MN now, but lived in B-ville (wife's family still does). Made me think you were close when you described how far from Indy & Cincy you were.


Will be going back there in 1.5 weeks. Thought maybe another Shelby fan would be close.

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Ok, sorry. Live in MN now, but lived in B-ville (wife's family still does). Made me think you were close when you described how far from Indy & Cincy you were.


Will be going back there in 1.5 weeks. Thought maybe another Shelby fan would be close.


You (and me too) missed the Mustang show in Cincy this past weekend, they had a GT500 vert there.



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