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Silver Razors (20 inch)


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As you know I'm considering them (18", 40mm offset).


FYI, this dealer has the non Shelby Silver razors for less than $160 per wheel (18"). I spoke with him back in April, and IIR, he was going to sell the Shelby versions for $170 per wheel (weren't in stock at the time).



The 20" Silver Razors go for ~$172/wheel


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I would not get the 20's - too big and too heavy I think. They probably reduce the 0-60 by 2 tenths!


Actually, this was discussed in a previous post I just don't remember which one. I thought the same as you but actually the Razor 20's are lighter than the Bullit 18's and with the recommended tire, the overall circumference is smaller than out current setup. I was surprised!


I know when I removed my wheel and tire to get to the sway bar, it was every bit as heavy as the 32" AT's I run on my Jeep. It's a really heavy setup for a sports car.

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I would not get the 20's - too big and too heavy I think. They probably reduce the 0-60 by 2 tenths!



I believe your are wrong here, I heard from my installer that the 20" Razors w/ 255x35x20 tires are lighter than the stock Bullit wheels and tires. They also look much better than a regular GT Bullit wheel in most peoples opinion. People who buy Shelby's usually are not followers they make paths and leave trails i.e.: pure unadulterated modifications! B)


NOTE: Is "unadulterated" a word? :)

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NOTE: Is "unadulterated" a word? :)



Yea, it means it aint been f'd with....

or, if you need a proper defination,



Main Entry: un·adul·ter·at·ed

Pronunciation: "&n-&-'d&l-t&-"rA-t&d

Function: adjective

1 : not adulterated : PURE



I wish I could say my SGT is unadulterated but I've f'd with just about everything I can get my hands on.

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