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Story of the Day Part II

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As I was washing the car, My girlfriend said " I wish you would take care of me like you take care of that car", then I said " If you looked and preformed like this car I would". Diverced 2yrs wonderful years already :) and it happenes to all us plumbers




Shaking my head at you !!!! ;)


Your two years divorced are wonderful......only because you don't have the right woman !!


I hope your girlfriend makes you eat those words !!! :P :D

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You were lucky then. I have shared custody of my 2 sons. I "got to keep" what clothes I had, my guns, and an old kitchen table. I wont even go into what I got to pay out. Oh and I got to start over too. Its been 7 1/2 years since my divorce and Im remarried now. Best <bleep> thing I ever did...the divorce that is. Oh and the new wife too :)

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