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shelby autograph


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has anyone sent a part of their car to the "carrol shelby childrens foundation" a cool $300 will get you the

autograph. If so which part and exactly how did you remove it. Would'nt want to break something.


I did something a little different to avoid breakage. I went to a sheet metal company we do business with and had them cut me a piece of stainless steel big enough to put it on the plastic dash under the airbag and above the glove box door. When I got it back just before last Christmas, I had it covered with supershield and I mounted it to the dash with 4 stainless tamper-proof bolts. Yeah, I had to drill into the dash, but I have enough of the CS8 kit that it will never go back to being a Mustang GT again.

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That is a great idea, keeps you from damaging anything or getting it lost. Kyle, if you don't want to drill into your dash or other interior parts, another good place would be in the engine compartment. I have seen this technique on many older vintage collector cars and it just sets them off a little more. It's not right there in everyone's face though, but I tend to like it better that way! Just my $.02 though.

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