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SGT ground clearance


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Can someone measure the ground clearance of the front fascia on their SGT.

I will be picking up :D SGT0712 on Monday and will be trailering home and I need to make sure I will not have any clearance problems. Specifically the front fascia clearance in front of each tire as well as the area between front tire and wheel well.

Thank you in advance


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I will try to measure mine tonight. I'm afraid your gonna have problems. These cars are extremely low to the ground. I just got mine last friday. I noticed last night as one of my buddies drove it and pulled back in the drive just how close it came to scrubbing. I would take some boards or something to make the transition from the ground to the trailer ramps not so bad..........


Tim Myer

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I was one of those who rented a GT-H and oops, discovered how low the clearance is. Nothing major but a small scrape on the bottom of the front fascia. It sounded awful and my heart sank when it happened. If you are used to pulling up to a curb and letting the curb tell you when to stop, beware of how low this fascia is. You will need to stop well short of the front wheels hitting the curb. When my Shelby GT arrives, I plan on backing in to parking spots to minimize the exposure.

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According to the Shelby manual, the car should not be taken through a car wash, the type with the guide rails on the floor, due to the low ground clearance. Has anyone attempted this unknowingly?

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According to the Shelby manual, the car should not be taken through a car wash, the type with the guide rails on the floor, due to the low ground clearance. Has anyone attempted this unknowingly?



Not I and there is no in hell I will ever take this thing through a car wash. No offense. I worked at an automated one in high school and you cant believe the damage those things do. We could have built a car lot full of cars with all the parts we had.

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I am prepared for adjusting the ramp but I have post installed in the front for tire straps and want to make sure the front fascia will clear them. I need 2-3" between the front fascia and the ground and I should be fine, can anyone verify this.


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I am not able to measure right now but just by looking- It looks like there is about 4 - 4 1/2 inches from bottom of bumper cover to the ground. Definitley is more than 2-3 inches.





I have not measured and this is just eyeballing but it appears the rack and pinion sits lower than the fascia by maybe 1/2" or so. I have to practically push it over the speed bumps at work to keep from tapping the ground.

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