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Again, if you have any issues or concerns that I can help you with, please, email me at Budm@shelbyautos.com Oh, one little tip on contcting me. It may be alot easier to email me. Trying to call and getting ahold of me may be difficult at times. It seems like I am always on the phone helping people out. But I can at least answer emails while I am on the phone. If you want me to call you, I will. Just let me know.


Again, I want to thank EVERYBODY for their help and support!!!!!!! Keep it coming and I'll do whatever it takes to help you!!!!!


Thank you again!!!





Appreciate the follow-up and hard work! This info helps a lot!


Thanks Bud!

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From what you said is it safe to assume all cars that are still at SAI waiting for mods will have the following items checked and/or corrected ?


Hood Scoop (lifting and other issues)

Hood pins (Stainless)

Stripes (bubbles and wrinkles)

Muffler noise (bolt hitting inner rear bumper)


Thanks for your help

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Bud, you are showing what customer service is all about, and really helping to make this a great experience for all involved. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to meeting you when I do my museum pickup! (How hot is it in LV in June?) :D





Thank you for the kind words. I just want to let all of you know that this is just me. This is how I am and how I work. I try to treat people (not customers, but people) the way I would like to be treated. I can honestly say I LOVE WHAT I AM DOING!!!!!!!! They say a job is NOT a job if you like what you are doing. So I guess what I am doing is a dream!!!!!!! I can't honestly remember the last time I went into work and said to myself, I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!! Well, I can say it now!!!!!!! This has to be the coolest place on earth to work. And all the employees here are great too!!!! And working for Amy, well, there are no words that can describe that feeling. Well maybe---AMAZING!!!!!!!



June weather---lets just say short pants would be in order :D We have already hit the lower 90's already this year. But you know what they say, its a dry heat :lol:



Can't wait to meet you in June!!!!!!!!!!




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I just purchased #109 and so far the only issues I have seen are a slight bulge on the drivers side of the scoop and the hood latch pins. Both are minor problems and I will address them with the dealer on my next visit.


I'm not even sure I want the scoop fixed, to me it adds a little character to the car.




Funny you should say that, I was thinking along those same lines..........

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From what you said is it safe to assume all cars that are still at SAI waiting for mods will have the following items checked and/or corrected ?


Hood Scoop (lifting and other issues)

Hood pins (Stainless)

Stripes (bubbles and wrinkles)

Muffler noise (bolt hitting inner rear bumper)


Thanks for your help




Hi Shelby-Don,


As per my last post, ALOT of updated work has been done because of all your inputs here on the boards. They do NOT go unoticed. I may not post alot here, but I DO read them everyday.


1. Hood scoop issues are all just about gone. Lifting has been fixed. Bubbling has been addressed and being fixed.


2. Hood pins are all stainless steel. Has been since the start of the SGT project.


3. Striping issues are now being more closely inspected before they reach production and before they get onto the transporters.


4. Muffler hangers hitting has also been addressed and being more closely inspected and fixed before they leave the lift.



Now, with all of that said, I just want to let all of you know that we are all human too. There may be some that my pass through, but I will address those as needed. We have changed alot since car 1 passed through and have changed for the better. Again, all of these issues are being addressed because of all of the input all of you have passed along to us.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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Hi Shelby-Don,


As per my last post, ALOT of updated work has been done because of all your inputs here on the boards. They do NOT go unoticed. I may not post alot here, but I DO read them everyday.


1. Hood scoop issues are all just about gone. Lifting has been fixed. Bubbling has been addressed and being fixed.


2. Hood pins are all stainless steel. Has been since the start of the SGT project.


3. Striping issues are now being more closely inspected before they reach production and before they get onto the transporters.


4. Muffler hangers hitting has also been addressed and being more closely inspected and fixed before they leave the lift.

Now, with all of that said, I just want to let all of you know that we are all human too. There may be some that my pass through, but I will address those as needed. We have changed alot since car 1 passed through and have changed for the better. Again, all of these issues are being addressed because of all of the input all of you have passed along to us.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Your welcome Bud............




THANK YOU and SAI for a bitchen car!!

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Funny you should say that, I was thinking along those same lines..........



Wouldn't it be funny to find that in years hence people say 'Whoa...look one of the early defective hood scoops! I thought they were all swapped out and destroyed! This care is worth BIG $$$$!"




Hi Shelby-Don,


As per my last post, ALOT of updated work has been done because of all your inputs here on the boards. They do NOT go unoticed. I may not post alot here, but I DO read them everyday.


1. Hood scoop issues are all just about gone. Lifting has been fixed. Bubbling has been addressed and being fixed.


2. Hood pins are all stainless steel. Has been since the start of the SGT project.


3. Striping issues are now being more closely inspected before they reach production and before they get onto the transporters.


4. Muffler hangers hitting has also been addressed and being more closely inspected and fixed before they leave the lift.

Now, with all of that said, I just want to let all of you know that we are all human too. There may be some that my pass through, but I will address those as needed. We have changed alot since car 1 passed through and have changed for the better. Again, all of these issues are being addressed because of all of the input all of you have passed along to us.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I'd say that just about covers it! :)

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Wouldn't it be funny to find that in years hence people say 'Whoa...look one of the early defective hood scoops! I thought they were all swapped out and destroyed! This care is worth BIG $$$$!"



I'd say that just about covers it! :)




No, I dont think that would happen........ :rolleyes:


1. Hood scoop issues are all just about gone. Lifting has been fixed. Bubbling has been addressed and being fixed.


Dont have any problem like that?


Have a little tiny nick mark that you can see if you look at it just right on the back right edge where it meets the hood but other then that, Looks great.......

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I just want to clarify something. Some early production cars have been waiting at SAI for the Mod Shop. Mine was completed in mid January before most of these problems surfaced. Are those cars getting a once over to meet the standards of the current production cars.


Thank You,


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I just want to clarify something. Some early production cars have been waiting at SAI for the Mod Shop. Mine was completed in mid January before most of these problems surfaced. Are those cars getting a once over to meet the standards of the current production cars.


Thank You,




Thats a good point................


Since the car is already still there?

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Hi Shelby-Don,


As per my last post, ALOT of updated work has been done because of all your inputs here on the boards. They do NOT go unoticed. I may not post alot here, but I DO read them everyday.


1. Hood scoop issues are all just about gone. Lifting has been fixed. Bubbling has been addressed and being fixed.


2. Hood pins are all stainless steel. Has been since the start of the SGT project.


3. Striping issues are now being more closely inspected before they reach production and before they get onto the transporters.


4. Muffler hangers hitting has also been addressed and being more closely inspected and fixed before they leave the lift.

Now, with all of that said, I just want to let all of you know that we are all human too. There may be some that my pass through, but I will address those as needed. We have changed alot since car 1 passed through and have changed for the better. Again, all of these issues are being addressed because of all of the input all of you have passed along to us.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Hi Bud,


I recently purchased my Shelby GT (I'm number 0057) and I have the hood scoop and muffler rattle problem. How do I go about getting it fix?


thanks and best regards,


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There will always be minor things that will need to be addressed on any new car even the hundred thousand dollar hand made cars have things that need to be fix or changed. I would say, just work with your Dealer or even Shelby they will fix the problems - gor256

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all!!!!!


If I send out a replacement hood scoop, I add a return label for the old scoop. It has to be returned back to me. Sorry. This has to be like this. So far everybody has sent one back. IF, somebody decides to keep it, then my only other alternative--which most will not like--is you will have to return the scoop first before I send one out. The hood scoop is exclusive to the SGT and cannot be sold separately. Again, I am sorry.

If your hood scoop looks good, but the front is lifting. I have a 2 pan bolt kit that will fix the problem. But it does take a little time to do. Fist you have to remove the hood blanket. The you have to remove the first 2 "faux" studs from the front. Then you need to use a 1/8 drill bit to drill through the scoop, through the hood and through the lower hood brace. After doing that, you will need a 1/2 hole saw to drill (going up from the bottom of the hood) through the lower hood brace. BUT only though the brace. This will give you enough room to use a socket to tighten the lock nuts. Screw the 2 pan head bolts through the scoop and come up through the bottom and attach the lock nuts. Now, here's the important step----DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN THE NUTS!!! This WILL kink the hood. After you are done, replace the hood blanket and you should be all set!!!!!

Now, this is ONL the fix if your scoop looks good and the front is lifting. If you have this issue, email me at Budm@shelbyautos.com and I will send you out a repair kit. IF, you have other issues with your hood scoop, you will then have to contact you dealer and they will have to call the 800 number (on page 39 of the suppliment SGT warranty book) to set up a claim. They ill inturn contact me and I will send them out a new scoop.

Now as for the hood scoops. They have been improved . We are seeing alot less claims on them. The "bulge" on the side is virtually gone. The "pancakin" in the middle is gone and the front are now bolted down to keep the front from lifting.


Now you are aksing why has this all been done? It's because of you!!!! With out all of your input, we would never know of these issues. With all of your help, we are making changes for the better!!!!!!! With that said, I want to thank you all for all of your help. We are ll trying to make this better for all of you!!!!


Oh, the hood pins. The hood pins are all now stainless steel. I have not had anybody say that theirs have been rusting. On the GTH's, I was not in this position and I do not know what the material used on them was. I am sorry.


Again, if you have any issues or concerns that I can help you with, please, email me at Budm@shelbyautos.com Oh, one little tip on contcting me. It may be alot easier to email me. Trying to call and getting ahold of me may be difficult at times. It seems like I am always on the phone helping people out. But I can at least answer emails while I am on the phone. If you want me to call you, I will. Just let me know.


Again, I want to thank EVERYBODY for their help and support!!!!!!! Keep it coming and I'll do whatever it takes to help you!!!!!


Thank you again!!!






Bud, I am on my 2nd scoop from the ford dealer. It is worse than the first one. I hope they can get it right the third time. First scoop just had fitment problems. 2nd scoop has the driver side bulges and doesnt fit. Should I go thru SAI directly, or hope my dealer can fix it?

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Bud, I am on my 2nd scoop from the ford dealer. It is worse than the first one. I hope they can get it right the third time. First scoop just had fitment problems. 2nd scoop has the driver side bulges and doesnt fit. Should I go thru SAI directly, or hope my dealer can fix it?




If they just loosen up the bolt where it bulges just a little bit, it will go away. If not and you are still not happy, have the dealer call the 800 number and tell them you need another scoop. Ford will contact me and we will get out another one.



As for any "early" vehicle waiting on mods, your vehicle will be reinspected before it leaves here. If we notice any issues, they will be addressed before they leave our shop.



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If they just loosen up the bolt where it bulges just a little bit, it will go away. If not and you are still not happy, have the dealer call the 800 number and tell them you need another scoop. Ford will contact me and we will get out another one.

As for any "early" vehicle waiting on mods, your vehicle will be reinspected before it leaves here. If we notice any issues, they will be addressed before they leave our shop.






I think its pretty funny...


#22 being on my showroom floor is flawless. The stripes are pretty perfect and the hood scoop looks great although there is a 2mm gap all around.


Too bad no-one wants do buy this <bleep> thing.


Even the dealer trade crapped out!




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I think its pretty funny...


#22 being on my showroom floor is flawless. The stripes are pretty perfect and the hood scoop looks great although there is a 2mm gap all around.


Too bad no-one wants do buy this <bleep> thing.


Even the dealer trade crapped out!








I called you on this car the other day. What is the list and what is your sale price. Equipement. Estimate to ship to Texarkana, Texas.



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If they just loosen up the bolt where it bulges just a little bit, it will go away. If not and you are still not happy, have the dealer call the 800 number and tell them you need another scoop. Ford will contact me and we will get out another one.

As for any "early" vehicle waiting on mods, your vehicle will be reinspected before it leaves here. If we notice any issues, they will be addressed before they leave our shop.





I can vouch for this statement from Bud. My car fail inspection due to and "issue" with the scoop. Went back to the shop. When my car arrived I looked it over very close after reading all the complaint on here. No problems so far. All though I have only drove it around 50 miles.........Looking forward to this weekend.



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I called you on this car the other day. What is the list and what is your sale price. Equipement. Estimate to ship to Texarkana, Texas.






List $40,210

Sell $38.750


Recent shipping to New Mexico was $1200 I would imaging this would be less.




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My wife told me her father (who worked for Chrylser and GM) would roll over in his grave if he knew I had bought a Ford. I corrected her explaining I had bought a Shelby, but it hasn't helped. Expensive jewelry is the only solution.



Did you get vanity plates = "shecavd" or "i won"?????

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LMAO.....Jason don't think I am an........


but who is invading threads now???? :P










.......just kidding


its ok as long as he is doing the invading. heck we are just trying to sell a few cars. i hope he sells every car he gets on his lot. not worried about the cars i got coming they are selling pretty good, but then again im selling them pretty cheap.


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I didnt invade anything I was asked a question and I gave an answer....


Enough from the DK




well you did the same thing i did the other day, you answered a post and at the same time thru in you had a car for sale. then you they asked about the price. dont have a problem with that or anything, but it is about the same thing that you got on to me about.

and just for kicks. i have a black SGT just arrived at SAI, 500.00 over INVOICE. thats right INVOICE. email or PM me for the price. you can still do whatever SAI mods that you want.

now i feel like a carsaleman, :D

michael morris

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