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cs 8 mustang

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planning on building a cs8 mustang automatic steeda told me the magna charger would be a good choice if you are using a auomatic tranny but not doing road raceing. but I want the full shelby kit to be regestured as a true shelby , and I do not want to destroy the motor . please help me through the process , I never had a supper charged, auto but do want a supper mucale car.

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Hi, This is my first post!


Couple of q's to add to the last post...


Will the CS8 require any drive train mods from standard for the supercharger?

Will it be registered on the Shelby register?

and will it ship to the UK? not a big problem as there are handlers in the US for UK shipp[ing

When will iut be available?

How much?

Will it include external graphics?

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No, you dont need any drive train mods. For performance, id add a set off gears, but your good to go. Yes, it will be in the "Shelby Authorized Enthusiast Independant Registry" ran by me. We can ship to the UK, call me for details. Should be available in a matter of a few weeks. Price is TBA. Yes, you can get the graphics if you purchase atleast a Stage I kit. Email or phone me if you have any other questions.

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