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Down Fall of the American Auto Companies.

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We can all see the reason for the down fall of the American Auto Companies.

Having to support all the millions of retired people with pension is some of the reason.

But the large reason is they have bacome Fat and Lazy like Most American people.

They have lost the old American working way of pulling together and getting the job done.

We are all engrossed sitting watching junk onTV and eating fattening food getting lazy.

We need to produce new energy efficient safe cars and trucks. And those of us who

are parents or grandparents better get off our asses and get our children to take education seriously.

If we don't this Country will fall like a rock. We are on the edge now. We need engineers

not Lawyers, Teachers not politicians. And Ford and GM need new blood even if it's not American

to lead them through the turn around.

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Why are you driving a 1970 302 boss then ?

Why not a hybrid of some sort. You need to be a leader in your quest to make this a better country.

I never had any education after high school and I am now running a muti million dollar a year business and I promise you no one gave me anything! I earned every penny. People need to learn that just because you have an education it does not mean you will get rich. You must earn what you get!

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correct me if i'm wrong....


america has the lowest unemployment rate of almost any civilized nation (consistently around 5%)

we work more hours per week than most any civilized country

we take less vacation than most every civilized country.


that does not equal "most american people" becoming "fat and lazy"... does it? :shrug:


wow. the tone on this board has changed dramatically over the last couple of weeks.

lots of posters with "unleashed" frustration. :banghead::rant:


we will not solve any social problems here.

let's talk about the car.


and I agree with burnedgt500... if your so concerned, get rid of that gas guzzling, pollution producing mustang you have. youre contributing to the problems you point out. :doh:

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We can all see the reason for the down fall of the American Auto Companies.

Having to support all the millions of retired people with pension is some of the reason.

But the large reason is they have bacome Fat and Lazy like Most American people.

They have lost the old American working way of pulling together and getting the job done.

We are all engrossed sitting watching junk onTV and eating fattening food getting lazy.

We need to produce new energy efficient safe cars and trucks. And those of us who

are parents or grandparents better get off our asses and get our children to take education seriously.

If we don't this Country will fall like a rock. We are on the edge now. We need engineers

not Lawyers, Teachers not politicians. And Ford and GM need new blood even if it's not American

to lead them through the turn around.



one thing needed even worse in the short term especially- Execs that earn their keep...far too many are accounting wizards that see the quick 'profits' that can be shown by scrapping multimillion dollar plants rather than updating, outsourcing across borders that eliminates buyers here/yet dont create any there, etc...to me the guys earning the big bucks ought to be able to compete, rather than sell out and get rewarded for it. I work for a 'small' company that has gone from tiny to huge- they didnt grow by throwing away valued assets instead of utilizing/modifying their tools to their best advantage...retool/update/whatever, but growing bigger/leaner/and quick action is the only way to survive...there are guys capable out there- thankfully I work for some pretty sharp folks.

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Drink 16 ounces of Captain Morgan Select - and call me in the morning. :shift:


I think the signs of Pre-Shelby Delivery Syndrome are becoming significant here.


Symptoms include (but aren't limited to):


Progressive grouchy attitudes - especially when passing Ford Dealerships or other Mustangs


Excessive time spent on Stangsunleashed.com.


Poor sexual performance (unless a soundtrack of a 5.4L engine is present).


Restraining orders issued by police to maintain 1,000 yards between you and the Ford Store.


Repeated attemtps to locate Bill Ford's cell number in order to "get him right" on this delivery/ MSRP deal.


Lurking about the assembly plant with a telephoto lens - and then tailing the haulers to confirm sightings.


Buying nothing but red ties with white stripes.


If you have 3 or more of the above symptoms, seek professional help. Or - take your current ride out and drive it like you're selling it. :happy feet: :shift:

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Man, that list kills me! :hysterical2: I think we need to add...


- Getting fired for spending the entire workday on stangsunleashed.com. (Hasn't happened to me YET)


- Wife banning you from using the computer until after the delivery date. (The reason I sit on the site all day)

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We can all see the reason for the down fall of the American Auto Companies.

Having to support all the millions of retired people with pension is some of the reason.

But the large reason is they have bacome Fat and Lazy like Most American people.

They have lost the old American working way of pulling together and getting the job done.

We are all engrossed sitting watching junk onTV and eating fattening food getting lazy.

We need to produce new energy efficient safe cars and trucks. And those of us who

are parents or grandparents better get off our asses and get our children to take education seriously.

If we don't this Country will fall like a rock. We are on the edge now. We need engineers

not Lawyers, Teachers not politicians. And Ford and GM need new blood even if it's not American

to lead them through the turn around.



-Check into pensions in Europe and Asia.

-Americans work harder and longer than workers in any other top 10 country.

-Half the problems with the US is the "education" they recieve in public schools.

-U.S. automakers have been following Europe and Asia for too long. It is time to get back into the lead position by building what the public wants.




We all need to cool down and burn rubber together. :burnout:

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